Friday, December 31, 2010

So long 2010...

So, here we are the last day of 2010 looking forward to a new year and new expericences. 

Here's hoping that 2011 will bring much peace and prosperity to the world around me.

I hope that 2011 will be a year of good happenings here at home, for my friends and family.

I have been thinking of goals for the new year, I just haven't written them down yet.

I did go over my "Farm Goals for 2010" and checked off those that were completed.  Not as many as I would  have liked, but more that I first thought.  I have begun my new list, but it still needs improvement.

Plenty of oganization, trimming the fat (of all kinds!), rethinking processes, and redifining what I want to be.

Who and what is important...

Why and when I do what I do...

Keep a simple life.  With simple wants and needs.

Food, shelter, endeavors to keep the brain strong, exercise to keep the body healthy and strong, family and friends to enjoy, and animals to keep the miracle life alive.

Brainstorming for last day of 2010!

Onward and Upward!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The week between Christmas and New Years!

The Christmas rush is over now we are just chilling (litterally) before the New Year begins.

We had a very good Christmas Eve Day gathering with my Husband's family.  Most made it, so there was quite a house full at around 20 people.  The Grand nieces and nephews enjoyed some time out in the barn and hen house, meeting the critters and riding bicycles?!

Christmas Eve itself was spent with our kids, minus one family who had sickies.  We plan to get together very soon with the ones who were unable to make it.  A good time was had by all, we even got our fitness tested by Jenn and Pats Wii game.

Our Christmas Day was nice and quiet.  We enjoyed the rest!

On Sunday, I was back in the sewing room making curtains for the den.  Didn't take long as they were very simple.

Monday, I started making my plans for the new year.  Eat less, spend less, exercise more, watch TV less, knit more, spin more, finish projects that have yet to be finished and just plain enjoy life!

Today...plenty to do so......Onward and Upward!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Didn't do any sewing, but...

I spent the day getting my American Dairy Goat Association dues paid, along with four of the grandchildren signed up.  Then did some online registrations of the goats.  It took longer then I expected because ADGA has made some changes on their site, so it took a bit of relearning.  Then I thought I had already entered the Service Memos, but hadn't.  So I had to do that first.  Still more to do, but need to wait until the grand's records come online.  Then can finish that up.

Greg was a great help, he baked two different types of cookies for me.  Molasses and Oatmeal Toffee cookies are all made up and in the freezer.  This is to keep us from eating them before our Christmas festivities.

All in all it was a productive day.  Hope today is more of the same, this time sewing!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sparkling Diamonds and Pristine White Frosting...

 Looking out my window this morning, there is the most wonderful, although VERY COLD scene of sparkling diamonds sprinkled on top of pristine white frosting with the sun trying it's best to warm things up!  What a wonderful site, glad I'm inside though!

Breeding season has come to it's end.  Last evening we took the last of the does over to our friend's buck to be bred.  I had dreamed of only AI babies this year, but that was not to be, so Mother Nature is getting her way, at least on two of the does.  Any of the does who are not bred now are just going to get the next year off without any babies.  Guess that won't be all bad, might even be a good thing to let them rest a year.  But they had better be up and running in 2012 with all doeling!  At least I can hope!

I believe that my Christmas shopping is done.  I went out on Tuesday and finished up on Greg and the boys.  Now all that is left is sewing two shirts for my brother-in-law and making curtains for one of the granddaughters.  Today will begin a sewing marathon through Sunday.  Then next week will be baking, cooking, and cleaning for the festivities here on Christmas Eve.

Along with all the Christmas preparations there have been and are still coming some medical check ups.  On Tuesday I went in for my yearly hearing test and hearing aids check out.  All is well, one had to be sent in for a minor adjustment, so I have lopsided hearing right now.  Wednesday, Greg had a complete physical which he so far has come through with flying colors!  He is even only five pounds overweight, easy fix.  As long as as the blood work is good, he won't need to be seen again until next year!  I had blood taken then as well to check my cholesterol level. At my physical, six months ago, it was up some, so the doctor wanted to see what it was now.

Next Tuesday I go to the dentist for the usual every six months thing.  Then on December 30th, we both go for eye exams and new glasses.

We will be starting the new year all tested and tuned and ready to go!

Last Sunday I spent some time in the greenhouse doing some watering and organizing.  While in there I planted some Spinach, loose leaf lettuce mix and a Romaine lettuce in my planting box.  I am hoping for fresh salad material come February.  I got some last year, hope to get more this coming year.  Fresh is always best.

Time to get things rolling, breakfast, chores, and then let the marathon begin!

Onward and Upward!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Weather for today...SNOW SNOW AND MORE SNOW!

Here's hoping that everyone is safe and snug in there favorite place just hunkering down for the duration of the weather.

Spent the week getting things done.  Feel good about it all, but still have much more to do.  Lots of Christmas sewing and crafting to be done.

A friend came over on Thursday and we made soap.  She wanted to give some for gifts, so we spent the day making it and visiting.  I cut it on Friday and will deliver it to her at our next Gathering of Knitters on Wednesday.

Friday, Greg and I made our famous Chocolate Maple Log candies, they need to chill and then be coated with chocolate.

On the farm front, AI this year doesn't seem to be taking, DAMN! Was really excited about the bucks I purchased.  There are still a couple of does that may yet be bred by the AI, I will keep my fingers crossed.  I had to take an Alpine over to a friends place to be live cover bred by her registered buck.  I have one more that I plan to take to him, although the resulting kid would be half Toggenburg/half Alpine, but this goat needs to prove herself or be gone.

The new layers have started to lay so we are getting one nice brown egg every day or so, along with a token white from the old girls.

The horses have been getting pastured on the hayfield every day and they love it.  As long as I can I will do that, saving the baled hay for much later in the season.

The doelings are getting along fine.  Each has shown some heat cycle signs, but have no plans to breed them this year.  Hope to have my own buck next year to breed them to.

Time to roll, need breakfast and do my chores.  Critters need to be watered today.  Then inside to finish the Christmas Chocolates that Greg and I made on Friday.  If time allows, I  hope to get some crafting done as well today.

Onward and Upward!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A good day!

Was a good day with lots gotten done.  First off, the barn got swept front and back, parlor cleaned, feed mixed, hay and straw dropped down, straw spread in stalls, all tanks filled, goats milked, horses moved to the hayfield for the day, both tractors started and run, dog got a ride in old truck to get gas, and milk brought in to the house.

Second, fresh milk was made into yogurt and then placed to ripen.  While doing the yogurt, I washed up the dishes, swept the scullery, powder room, and kitchen.  More decorating of the house, found a box of good stuff, so found places for it.

Thirdly, had an appointment with the bank to refinance the house at a lower interest rate, things look good there.  Then a late lunch at Jade Garden, ate toooo much, but it is good!  Need to keep up the strength for Christmas shopping.

Wal-Mart, got the nieces DONE as well as a few grocery items.  Then TSC for "Friends and Family" night.  Extra savings and special coupons.  Got three of the Grands gifts there as well as my Brother's gift.  Saw several different friends and had short visits with them.  Pat, our only Son-in-Law was there too, looking for dog food.  Quick visit and poked fun at Greg's parking!  Looks like some drunk did the truck parking!

The drive home was a light show.  Only not many lights.  Will have to go out later in the month and do some town tours, see more lights then out here in the country.

At home, checked yogurt, all is right...moved it to the fridge.  Smoothies in the morning.  Things put away, jammies on, and time to doze in the chair then off to bed.

Today, Farrier comes to trim horses.  Maybe a quick trip into Ovid to the "Inspiration Station" to get an "Anniversary" stamp so I can make some anniversary cards.  And the rest of the afternoon should be a crafting day.  Plenty of gifts to make, very little time left.

Onward and Upward.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Had a good weekend...

It was a good weekend.  Saturday, Jenn, Daniella, and I went to the dog show at MSU Pavilion.  Can you say Doggie over load!  So many B-E-A-U-tiful dogs of so many breeds, I want one of each!  The owners are very nice as well and always were very informative.  Learned a lot about several different breeds.

Had a good time and ate plenty at the KFC, yummy.  Now back on the wagon!

Here are just a few of the doggies we saw at the show.

Cutie French Bulldog.

This one would make you think twice about coming inside the house!

The dog's paw is bigger then the head of the Grandchild!

All the dogs were Soooo Very Cool!  There were plenty to pet and be kissed by.

Sunday was decoration time, tree is done, house mostly done, outdoor.. still work there!  It all looks really good.

Light snow flurries out the window right now, could use a good three inches to get a base started.

Did my 30 minutes of incumbent bicycling and my strength training routine, computer time almost done then down to breakfast and then chores.  Three girls to milk, feed to mix, tanks to fill, and hay to move.  Then this afternoon some Christmas shopping.  Hope to "git 'er done"!  All but Greg that is, still need to go out alone for him.  I am going to buy him...oops, can't tell ya', he reads this sometimes!

Onward and Upwards.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's a First...

First real snow of the season!  Let's pray for a white Christmas, and white all through March, then spring and mud.  None of the usual snow, mud, snow, mud, snow mud, mud mud mud!