Monday, July 4, 2011

Another round of busy...

Sunday-Up early and by 6:15 AM I was in the tub for a long soak, then chores.  Breakfast, mowed lawn, cleaned up and went to Jenn's to check on Harley, her cat.  Then to Bushon's for a dress fitting.  Back home to visit with Miles and Melissa.  Pizza for supper, chores and watched a recorded show about rebuilding the "Titanic" then to bed.

Monday-Rise and shine, dogs walked, email checked, food, and chores. Mowed the weeds over the raspberries and strawberries.  I weeded the garden, and put up another sheet of ceiling panelling, cleaned up, grabed a snack and porch sat while waiting for Judy and Sandy.  Had a good two  hour visit and spinning!

Leftover pizza for supper with salad made with beet greens from thinning the garden.

Look what the milk bottles grew into...Pepper plants!

Looking much better!

Tuesday-By 7AM I had dressed, walked the dogs, pulled some weeds, then washed dishes and got cereal out for breakfast.  Took time to  make blog notes while Greg watched TV.  Chores done then waiting for Share customer to come by to pick up her share.

Had most of the garden tilled by the time my customer arrived.

Finally got the ceiling done!

Relaxed for a bit and then finished up one of the wedding dresses.

Dinner and TV time.

Wednesday-Got a picture of Greg holding Anya in the rocker at five months:
My little puppy!

Did the usual stuff...chores, breakfast, shower, Meals and knitters.  On the way back home two cars of knitters followed me to the greenhouse on Hollister Road.  Nice flowers.  I bought a Petunia they called Black Raspberries, it was really different.

Went to Jenn's to check on Harley again.  Had dinner, chores and relaxed for a bit.  Then got some sourdough and salt rising starters made for tomorrow.

Thursday-Computer time then breakfast and started the breads.  Did chores and then while sourdough was rising went to Home Depot to pick up some lumber and OSB for more projects around here.  We had lunch while we were out.

Home and some time to porch sit.  Then we got the flag pole back up.  First cement didn't set so pole started to lean.  Greg dug it all out and we redid it.

Got the sourdough into the bread pans to rise again and made a strawberry rubarb custard pie.  Greg did the dishes.

Had planned to  have a campfire, but because of a number of phone calls we just enjoyed the porch again. 

A view from the porch.

Friday-Spent two hours on the computer, bought some embroidery designs on sale...sure hope I can find time to play with them REALLY soon!

After chores and our breakfast of Ebelskivers, we cleaned out the buck pen to make it ready to put the two bucklings-Angus a Boer and Isaiah a Toggenburg some room to run and play.

Isaiah arrived around 4:30PM and we took the two boys down to the new buck pen.  Angus is very happy, he has a playmate now!

Saturday-Farmer's Market was quite busy for a holiday weekend.  Eleven vendors were set up.  After market and chores Greg mowed hay in the the "riding arena" and then we had lunch.  I was awful tired and it was terrible hot so I didn't do much other then nap on the porch.  Ashley came by to pick up her wedding shoes.  We visited a bit.  I watched some TV, Greg made pizza, I did chores and then spent the evening on the porch.

And here we are another week has started...Onward and Upward!

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