Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Day's Musings...

While doing a repair job on a knife sheath for a friend I became aware of a feeling of deep deja vu like I had done the same thing before.  But I have never done anything with leather working.  The stitches came so very easy and even though I had the sheath for much longer then I should have(just kept forgetting about it), I got it done in no time and it doesn't even look like it's been repaired.

I've had this feeling before while learning a new skill.  I remember feeling this way when I first was shown how to spin...I felt like I had done it before, it seemed so much easier then I expected it to be.

Doing hay is another time that feels so much part of me. I feel very peaceful when doing this job.  Thinking a lot about what it would be like to do with horses rather then our 1950's tractor and equipment.

I've heard it said that some people are "old souls", and I wonder if that could be me.  I know some don't believe that we may have lived before, but I have a feeling that that just might be the case.  Nothing is more comforting to me then to be doing something "old fashioned".  Even sitting around a campfire leads my thoughts to what it might have been like to travel to a new homestead in the wilderness.  It is a warm thought, not one wrought with fear, but with comfort.

Here I sit using a computer and I feel quite comfortable doing this, but I really did feel "all thumbs" when I first started to learn how to use this technology, but there are times when I do something very low tech that it just comes without much fumbling.  Like old brain networks are relight and muscles remember the process.

And I do, like many others sometimes do wish things could go back to a simpler time.  I know it really wasn't that simple, there were just as many worries, just more personal.  Now a days there is so much outside stimulation for things that we really have no control over...wars in other countries, religious struggles, Victoria Secret ads, lost and starving children and just gets over whelming.

I guess it's time for me to put up my stockade around my place and do some blocking out of the outside world.  Watch less TV news and such!  Focus on what is personal to, friends, and critters.  Make my life more simple.  

So, I guess this "old soul" is done rambling for the day.  Don't know if any of this will make sense to anyone else, but I feel better having said it.

Ad journal writing as another old skill.  I have my Great Grandmother diary and to read those entries are such a pleasant adventure for me.  Maybe I should go read one now...

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