One interesting thing, was when I got a strong magnet and just put it in one of the piles of dirt...the very tiniest shavings of metal attached themselves to it. Now that is what a magnet is suppose to do, attract metal, but I wouldn't have thought that there was all these little fine particles just there in the dirt. I guess I could see if something metal had been there at one time and these little bits were all that was left but, I have no idea what could have been where I was getting all of it.
It was decided that we needed to move to a different part of the yard to see if we could come up with something at least more interesting, so we went to dig in the back yard. We talked about where the outhouse may have been. We took note of the back door and the path to the chicken coop. Each one of us had our own ideas of where to start. Scott, Chris's friend decided he would start just a foot or so off the path from the back door to the coop. Before long he was making exclamations about what he had just found! Now this is really quite cool....
A 1936 Dime. How cool is that. That dime was minted 77 years ago! Look at the shape it is in. Granted it's been out of circulation for some time, but it was in the dirt! People walked over it everyday! Scott said it wasn't even that deep in the ground either. Pretty amazing!
According to what the guys looked up the value is:
Melt Value = $1.59 (23-Sept-2013)
Coin Value = Aprrox. $3.00
Scott was pretty excited about the find to say the least.
I think we all had a lot of fun. I'll be ready to do it again when Scott gets his new toy, which is stronger. Then maybe we can find something really interesting.
Then on Sunday, Greg and I attended a Carriage driving clinic in Whitmore Lake. It was called "Carriage Driving for Beginners". The farm that put it on is Odyssey Training Stables with Anita Alden the instructor. It was pretty basic, but I did pick up a few pointers and had a nice time with a good group of fellow beginning drivers. Even got to ride in a two wheeled cart with a really springy stepping Hackney pony, who was 25 and a four wheeled carriage pulled by a snappy Morgan mare. Both moved out in a completely different way then my draft pony Porchia. She doesn't have any snap or spring in her step, but she still can cover some ground when asked.
I enjoyed my weekend very much. Next weekend could be a good one as well. Saturday is a driving horse and equipment auction up in Mt. Pleasant and Sunday, Greg's brother and wife may come by to show us their new car. I'm sure there will be food as well on Sunday, so it should be another nice weekend.
On a side note...I have managed to get the fall cleaning both upstairs and down done as of today. Feels really good to have that job out of the way.
Just about time to head out to the barn and do the milking so.....Onward and Upward!