Not really anything of import here. It's cold outside, there is no snow on the ground. It's been windy for the past few days, so the cold got colder with the wind chill.
I have some basil coming up in the greenhouse that I started about a week ago. There should have been onions as well, but the seed was old. I replanted, with newer seed the onions, but they have about a week to go.
Went into Owosso this morning to do some grocery shopping. Stopped at Home Depot and got the boards for my new Square Foot garden boxes. They'll be here and ready just as soon as Greg decides he's ready to build them. A new plan for the garden this year. Let's hope it works out better then last year's.
One week from tomorrow there are two goats due to kid. I will be bringing them in from now on at night. Just to keep an eye on them and to give them a chance for more grain and hay. Both already look like they are ready to pop!
Right now the sun is shinning and it looks nice, but the temp is only in the 20's! A warming tread is suppose to be on the way, but we'll just have to wait and see.
I found a couple of neat things on facebook today, one to make your own American cheese: I will be sure to try this one as soon as I have some colby.
This one: I'm going to do some checking into before I make anymore comments.
Not much to say, so I'll just leave it as it is...Onward and Upward!