Sunday, November 25, 2012

A lttle catch up and then a first...

First the catch up.  Back in October, Marion came and stayed a couple of days here on the farm.  The first day was just her and us and for a bit her family.  It was a nice day, but we didn't get everything done that we wanted to.  So, on the second day we got to ride horses.  At first she rode Isis, but for some reason Isis just wasn't a happy girl.  So we changed to Mariah.  Now mind you Mariah has not been ridden since moving here.  This was the first time in 12 years that someone has been on her back for an extended time.  She was a very good girl and Marion rode her, being lead by me for one full hour!  It really was quite the surprise.

Then in the afternoon Daniella arrived via the school bus. Cousins had a good time, we made noodles and on Saturday they made Halloween Gingerbread houses.
Making the frosting.

Concentration one.

And two.
More concentration.
Done and...
Now is time for the First that I mentioned...
The first accumulation on November 25th,  2012.

Just one month until Christmas, will it be a white Christmas...I sure hope so!

Onward and Upward!

Monday, November 19, 2012

More excitement!!!!

Over the weekend, Jenn came over and we hooked Isis to the cart!  We couldn't do much more then we did, because the hooking up wasn't done the right way.  Some parts are missing, so we had to "jerry rig" the whole deal.  But she was hooked up, she did pull the cart and Jenn even rode a few steps worth!  No spook, no fear, just plain good pony.

She stood patiently while we did our best to make her uncomfortable, not on purpose, just us fumbling around.  Even while pulling she got bumped from all angles and didn't mind a bit.

Can't wait to get all the parts lined up and working so we can actually go for a real ride.  I have about 20 acres of open field that is just calling to me to drive all over it!

Here's hoping I can get it all put together soon!

Here is a video for your watching pleasure:

Here is a posed picture of me in the cart as well:

If only I could be moving!