Here's what I did today. I started my Christmas decorating. This is my Victorian Village display, it takes me a couple of hours to set it up each year.
On the very top level, that you can't see very well is a Santa in his sleigh going around and around. The next level down represents my house and barn on the hill. Down from that are the houses that represent our two oldest boys homes and a mill on a hill. Below that is the town, where there are two store fronts one is a Curiosity Shop with musicians playing out front, that one represents the third oldest son. The other store front is "Jen's Shop" and that is for our daughter. There is a fire station, a harness shop, a church, and a clock tower as well as a skating pond. All sort of activities are going on in this neat little corner of my imagination.
This coming week, the Christmas Tree will be going up as well as maybe a life size St. Nicolas on the front porch. That is if we can manage to get it put together like I want it.
There will be more decorating, and if we can get some ideas, Christmas Shopping in the next couple of weeks.
Guess you could say I've got the Christmas Spirit!
Friday, November 26, 2010
The day after...
Today is the day after Thanksgiving, we had a wonderful quiet day at home. Watched the parades, football, a Dog Show, and napped. It was a good day.
Today, we are planning on getting our Christmas wreath. I bought one through the Ovid-Elsie Band. We pick it up at the greenhouse in town.
Right now if you look out the window here, you can see SNOW. First really snow of the year. I would like to see snow and plenty of it, I would like it to have snow cover all the way through until sometime in late February. None of this snow, mud, snow, mud stuff.
As I write this, the fuel oil man has just arrived. First delivery since September. Will be seeing plenty of him in the next few months.
Time for winter to arrive, another season change. A time to slow down a bit and recharge for a while. A time for thanksgiving and celebrating and planning and anticipating.
Today, we are planning on getting our Christmas wreath. I bought one through the Ovid-Elsie Band. We pick it up at the greenhouse in town.
Right now if you look out the window here, you can see SNOW. First really snow of the year. I would like to see snow and plenty of it, I would like it to have snow cover all the way through until sometime in late February. None of this snow, mud, snow, mud stuff.
As I write this, the fuel oil man has just arrived. First delivery since September. Will be seeing plenty of him in the next few months.
Time for winter to arrive, another season change. A time to slow down a bit and recharge for a while. A time for thanksgiving and celebrating and planning and anticipating.
Let the season begin!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Our Thanksgiving 2010...
We had a very nice day yesterday, our Family was here for Thanksgiving. I decided instead of trying to get everyone here on the actual day, I would host it on the weekend before. Hoping that way everyone could make it...We came close, only two were previously commited. It is hard to get everyone together as all have extended families and commitments.
We also included two of our family friends in our get together to bring our group up to 16. There were three tables, the little table, the bigger table and the big table and plenty of good food!
I think that all had a good time and enough to eat.
The Grands spent a good amount of time playing in the hen house, not where I would have played, but whatever makes you happy! They enjoyed it.
Here are all the kids minus 2...Thanksgiving 2010.
Here are our family friends, Don and Betty, 2010.
We also included two of our family friends in our get together to bring our group up to 16. There were three tables, the little table, the bigger table and the big table and plenty of good food!
I think that all had a good time and enough to eat.
The Grands spent a good amount of time playing in the hen house, not where I would have played, but whatever makes you happy! They enjoyed it.
Here are all the kids minus 2...Thanksgiving 2010.
Here are our family friends, Don and Betty, 2010.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Like the look...
My blog is progressing well, I like the look at this time.
Finished cleaning our house yesterday. Only a couple of rooms that went untouched. My craft room and the laundry room. If I get time I will try to spruce those up too.
Today is my weekly day away. I deliver Meals on Wheels and then I go to our Gathering of knitting friends. I will also be delivering Sourdough Bread to one of my customers who placed an order.
I make and sell Sourdough and Salt Rising breads at the St. Johns Farmer's Market. Since it is closed for the season, I take orders and either deliver or they are picked up here at the farm. I have plans to try some gluten free breads over this winter and then hopefully have them available next season.
Here is the bread I will be delivering today, baked yesterday.
Onward and Upward!
Finished cleaning our house yesterday. Only a couple of rooms that went untouched. My craft room and the laundry room. If I get time I will try to spruce those up too.
Today is my weekly day away. I deliver Meals on Wheels and then I go to our Gathering of knitting friends. I will also be delivering Sourdough Bread to one of my customers who placed an order.
I make and sell Sourdough and Salt Rising breads at the St. Johns Farmer's Market. Since it is closed for the season, I take orders and either deliver or they are picked up here at the farm. I have plans to try some gluten free breads over this winter and then hopefully have them available next season.
Here is the bread I will be delivering today, baked yesterday.
Onward and Upward!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Just a routine...
Nothing extra ordinary yesterday. Lots of cleaning got done. Greg is making great progress on the downstairs bedroom. We should be able to move furniture the end of the week. It will be good to have that out of the way.
Don't expect to see a daily report, as sometimes there is just nothing to blog about.
Here is a picture of my newest addition to the "farm". 1953 Farmall Cub. It is the same age as me! My parents owned one, 1940 something. I've had fun so far with the blade. Pushes lots of poo! Can't wait for the snow! Hope to buy some garden impliments for it.
Don't expect to see a daily report, as sometimes there is just nothing to blog about.
Here is a picture of my newest addition to the "farm". 1953 Farmall Cub. It is the same age as me! My parents owned one, 1940 something. I've had fun so far with the blade. Pushes lots of poo! Can't wait for the snow! Hope to buy some garden impliments for it.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Hello and Good morning!
The sun shines brightly into the computer room as I begin this new blog.
A busy week is planned. Cooking, cleaning and baking for our family Thanksgiving dinner which is going to be this coming Saturday. As well as, granddaughter will be here to help on Thursday and Friday as there is no school those days. I think partly because today is the first day of firearms deer season here in Michigan.
Breeding season is winding down here, I am hoping that I have nine of the eleven dairy does bred. Here's hoping that I am done with that.
The gardens have all been put to bed and are resting peacefully.
The weather has just turned cold and snow will soon be arriving. Time for things to slow a bit. A time of rest and rejuvenation. One can hope.
Onward and Upward.
A busy week is planned. Cooking, cleaning and baking for our family Thanksgiving dinner which is going to be this coming Saturday. As well as, granddaughter will be here to help on Thursday and Friday as there is no school those days. I think partly because today is the first day of firearms deer season here in Michigan.
Breeding season is winding down here, I am hoping that I have nine of the eleven dairy does bred. Here's hoping that I am done with that.
The gardens have all been put to bed and are resting peacefully.
The weather has just turned cold and snow will soon be arriving. Time for things to slow a bit. A time of rest and rejuvenation. One can hope.
Onward and Upward.
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